The Game Changer – XO Armor

  • Post author:Start in Auburn
  • Post category:News

Fall Saturdays have gotten complicated for Michael Zabala, founder and chairman of XO Armor. Rooting for, say, West Virginia or even Clemson hasn’t been that hard. They’re in different conferences. Auburn hasn’t played West Virginia since the “Rain Game” Zabala flew back from Stanford grad school for in 2009. They’ve somehow managed to go four full years without playing Clemson.

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Auburn incubator startup Tennibot announces successful investment funding round

  • Post author:Start in Auburn
  • Post category:News

Innovative tech company Tennibot, which originated out of Auburn University, continues to make great strides in the City of Auburn’s incubator system at Auburn Center for Developing Industries (ACDI). Tennibot recently completed a successful funding round, exceeding goals and expectations.

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